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Five Household Chores To Avoid During Pregnancy

Five Household Chores To Avoid During Pregnancy

Yes, we know that you’re strong, you’re able to juggle it all at once. You can manage yourself, your family and your home. But should you be getting onto your usual household chores while bearing an extra bump on the belly? Keep reading as we break down the list of chores that is safe and which isn't.

Pregnancy is not an excuse to run away from doing your household chores. Cleaning your home is an essential part of life but stick to lighter tasks for you and your baby’s safety.


#1. Don’t Do Heavy Liftings

Any task that requires lifting or carrying a heavy object should be avoided at all costs. It is so much easier to strain your back with an extra load on the belly. Truth be told, backache is the last thing you need right now.

Because of hormonal changes during your maternity transition, the connective ligament in your joints and pelvic floor loosen, thus making you more vulnerable to injury. Now add that extra pressure on your spine. Boom. You’re bound to have a backache.

For the better, seek for assistance to move around furniture, lift heavy objects, and unload goods for now.

#2 Bending works

 As previously said, your body takes a 360 swerve into motherhood. Your overall coordination will be different from your accustomed self.

During the transition, bending can take a toll on the sciatic nerve which runs from the lower back to the leg. As a result, any housework that requires you to bend should be avoided, if not neglected entirely.

Ladies, you can now bid farewell to mopping, sweeping, and vacuuming for the time being. It's impossible to completely detach ourselves from our responsibilities, but you can try to lighten your burden. It's usually ideal to ask your partner for help or simply hire a help, be it a robotic vacuum or a maid.


#3 Keep Your Bold Moves & Balancing Skills for Later

Think of getting on a higher ground to clean that one spot that bothers you? Well, don’t.

Whether it’s dusting the corners, wiping the windows, hanging the curtains, or reaching for the highest shelf, stay off from these activities deemed as “dangerous” for the time being.

Expecting women shouldn’t be doing any climbing or balancing work as it poses a great threat to the both of you. you will go through a change in the centre of your body gravity. Therefore, you are prone to throw off balance which most likely result to separation of the placenta or premature labour.


#4 Cleaning Agents are Off Limits

It is proven by studies that harsh chemicals can induce neural tube defects or congenital malformations in babies if mothers are exposed to chemicals while pregnant. Most of your household products like floor cleaners, insecticides, bleaching products, and disinfectants have harsh chemicals in them. Hence, it would be best to minimize chemical exposure.

Some Preventive Measures to Take:

  • Always wear a mask and gloves to avoid being exposed to unsafe substance.
  • If you feel nauseous, or light-headed, stop work immediately. Sit and take deep breaths
  • Avoid inhaling pungent fumes such as aerosol spray, petrol, and nail polishes
  • Try buying ‘light’ chemical products that have more natural ingredients
  • Substitute cleaning chemicals with kitchen supplies like water, lemon, baking soda and vinegar
  • Get your working area well ventilated or work outdoors when using chemical products
  • Never be shy to ask for help!

#5 Cleaning litter boxes

Your pets, as adorable as it is, can host a parasite known as Toxoplasma gondii. They obtain it from raw meat, rodents, birds, and other animals. While the risk of getting toxoplasmosis is low, it cannot be denied that you still might get contaminated when you are exposed to the cat's faeces. This can result in toxoplasmosis, which can lead to pregnancy complications, including miscarriage and severe infections in your unborn baby.

Leave your furry babies under the care of others while you prioritize your baby’s growth.

No matter how hard we try, it’s impossible to take a break from our responsibility entirely. On that note, if you still have to do any simple chores, take extra precautions and be alert on your movements while you’re at it.


By: Jace Lynn




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